8 Common PPC Mistakes and How to Fix Them

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8 Common PPC Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising can be an effective way to drive traffic to your website and generate leads. But if you’re not careful, it can also be a quick way to waste a lot of money. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at eight common PPC mistakes and how you can avoid them.

Not Narrowing Your Target Audience

One of the biggest mistakes PPC businesses make is failing to narrow their target audience. They assume that anyone who sees their ad will be interested in what they’re selling. As a result, they end up wasting a lot of money on ads that are never going to convert.

Not Doing Your Keyword Research

Before you launch your PPC campaign, you need to do your keyword research. You need to understand what words and phrases potential customers are using to search for your products or services. Once you know this, you can create ad campaigns that target those keywords. Without keyword research, you’re just guessing, and chances are you’ll guess wrong. 

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8 Common PPC Mistakes

Targeting Too Many Keywords

Once you’ve done your keyword research, it’s tempting to try to target as many keywords as possible in your ad campaigns. This is a mistake. Instead of spreading yourself thin, focus on a few key phrases and create laser-focused campaigns around them. You’ll get better results—and save money—in the long run.

Bidding On The Wrong Keywords

Another common PPC mistake is bidding on the wrong keywords. Keywords are the foundation of any PPC campaign, so it’s important to choose them carefully. A lot of businesses make the mistake of bidding on broad, generic keywords that get a lot of searches. But just because a keyword gets a lot of searches doesn’t mean it’s going to be successful for your business.

Broad keywords are often too general, which means they attract a lot of people who aren’t actually interested in what you’re selling. As a result, you end up paying for a lot of clicks that never turn into conversions.

Instead of bidding on broad keywords, focus on long-tail keywords that are more specific to what you’re selling. Long-tail keywords may get fewer searches, but the people who do search for them are usually further along in the buying cycle and more likely to convert.

Not Using Negative Keywords

Negative keywords are words or phrases that you don’t want your ad to show up for. For example, if you sell women’s clothing, you might want to add “men” as a negative keyword so that your ad doesn’t show up when people search for “men’s clothing.”

Not using negative keywords is a huge mistake because it results in wasted clicks—clicks that could be going to a more relevant ad. It also hurts your quality score, which is a metric used by Google to determine how relevant and useful your ad is. A low quality score will result in higher costs per click and less exposure for your ad.

To avoid this mistake, take some time to brainstorm a list of negative keywords for your business. You can also use Google’s Keyword Planner tool to find negative keywords that are relevant to your business.

Not Testing Your Ads

Another common PPC mistake is not testing your ads before you launch your campaign. You might think you know what works best, but unless you test multiple versions of your ad, you won’t know for sure. A/B testing is a simple way to test different versions of your ads and see which one performs best. Once you know what works, you can roll out your campaign with confidence knowing that your ads will perform well.

Not Optimizing Your Landing Page

Your landing page is the page on your website that people are taken to after they click on your ad. An effective landing page is relevant to the ad that was clicked on and contains a clear call-to-action (CTA).

Too often, businesses make the mistake of sending PPC traffic to their homepage instead of creating a customized landing page. This is a missed opportunity because a well-optimized landing page can dramatically improve conversion rates.

Providing relevant content and an effective CTA will increase the chances that visitors will take the desired action—whether that’s making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or calling your business.

Not Monitoring Your Campaigns Regularly

Once you’ve launched your PPC campaign, it’s easy to set it on autopilot and forget about it. But if you want your campaign to be successful, you need to monitor it regularly and make adjustments as needed. Things change quickly in the world of online advertising, so what worked last month might not work this month. The only way to keep your campaigns effective is to monitor them closely and adjust as necessary. Otherwise, you’ll end up wasting a lot of money on ads that aren’t performing well.

Avoid these common PPC  mistakes and set yourself up for success. Do your keyword research, focus on a few key phrases, and test your ads before launching your campaign. By following these steps, you’ll be able to maximize your results—and generate more leads—with your PPC campaigns.

If you’re looking for help with your Google Ads campaign, contact Braveheart Digital Marketing. We’re a PPC agency in Manchester, NH that can help you create a successful campaign and achieve your business goals. Get in touch today to learn more!

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How To Measure The Success Of Your Facebook Ad Campaign

Facebook Advertising
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Measuring The Success Of Your Facebook Ad Campaign

There’s no question that a Facebook ads campaign can be an effective way to reach your target market. But how do you know if your campaign is successful? And what steps can you take to improve results? In this blog post, we’ll look at some tips for measuring the success of your Facebook ad campaign. We’ll also discuss some factors to consider when making decisions about whether or not to continue running a particular campaign. So if you’re thinking about launching a Facebook ad campaign, or want to improve the results of an existing campaign, keep reading!
Facebook Advertising

1. Define Your Goals

Before you create your Facebook Ad, it is important to know what you want to achieve with your campaign. Do you want to increase brand awareness? Drive traffic to your website? Generate leads? Once you know your goals, you can create ads that are aligned with those objectives.

2. Identify Your Target Audience

Who do you want to reach with your Facebook Ad? When you know your target audience, you can create ads that are more likely to resonate with them. You can also use Facebook’s targeting options to ensure that your ad is only seen by people who are likely to be interested in it.

3. Set Up Your Facebook Ads Account

If you don’t already have a Facebook Ads account, you’ll need to set one up. This is a simple process that only takes a few minutes and you can do that by following this link.

Once you have an account, you can start creating your ad campaign. 

Facebook Ads Manager

4. Create Your Ad Campaign

Now it’s time to create your ad campaign. Facebook offers a variety of ad types, so you can choose the one that best fits your goals. If you’re not sure which ad type to use, you can always experiment with different options to see what works best for your business. 

Set Up Facebook Ads Campaign

5. Monitor Your Results

After your ad campaign has been running for a while, it’s important to monitor your results and make adjustments as needed. This will help you optimize your campaign for maximum success.
Facebook Ads Manager Results

6. Celebrate Your Successes!

Once you’ve achieved your goals, take a moment to celebrate your success! Facebook Ads can be a great way to grow your business, so pat yourself on the back and enjoy the fruits of your hard work.

Measurement is key to any successful Facebook ad campaign. Without accurate measurements, it’s difficult to determine whether or not your campaign is meeting its objectives.

In order to measure the success of your Facebook ad campaign, you need to define what success means for you.

There are a number of factors to consider when making decisions about whether or not to continue running a particular Facebook ad campaign. Some of these factors include: budget, time commitment, leads generated, and ROI.

Facebook offers a number of tools that can help you measure the success of your ads campaign. These tools include: conversion tracking, website insights, and Audience Insights.

It’s important to test different aspects of your Facebook ad campaigns in order to find what works best for you. Try different images, headlines, copy, and target audiences. And always be prepared to adjust your campaigns based on results.

Are you looking for help with your Facebook Ads campaign? Braveheart Digital Marketing is a social media agency based in Manchester, NH that can help you achieve your advertising goals. Contact us today to learn more about our services!

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How We Growth Hacked Our Twitter Account To Over 89,000 Followers

Twitter Logo

How We Grew Our Twitter Accounts To Over 400k Followers

Twitter is out of favor with advertisers and the media since Elon Musk took the company private, but I continue to find it is the best social media channel for the sports accounts we manage.

Tweeting 10-20 times while a game is being played is common, and one of the lessons we have learnt over the last five years is that you need to find a social platform that matches your actions. For us, Twitter allows for a continuous interaction with fans and followers throughout the day, especially on days when a game is being played. This level of engagement is essential for building a strong connection with our audience.

So, while Twitter may be out of favor with some, it remains an essential tool in our social media arsenal.

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We are not the only ones who think this. The 2022 Social Media Benchmark report from Rival IQ shows that sports teams are posting more on Twitter than any other platform.
social media post data for sports teams

Value Achieved:

So how did our Twitter account become one of the 15 biggest accounts in Milan Italy? By executing the following four steps:

1. Create A Voice And Tone That Resonates With Your Audience

Twitter has become one of the most popular social media platforms in recent years, and it is a great way to connect with fans from all over the world. We created a Twitter account for Inter Milan fans, and we shared the ups, downs and joys of supporting a team. The more “real” we became, the more fans started to follow us.

Twitter is a great way to connect with fans and build relationships. We are able to share news, photos and videos with our followers, and they are able to interact with us directly. This interaction is essential for building a strong bond between a club and its supporters.

2. Seed Your Feed With High Quality Content

I knew that in order to grow our Twitter account we would need more than just content from our site. I wanted to create such high quality content that if you were going to follow one Inter Milan account, it would be this one.

We included content from other websites and Twitter accounts, creating a consistent stream of engaging content, for fans, by fans. This content strategy was modeled after Gary Vaynerchuck’s approach to seed your feed with high quality content. As a result of this strategy, our Twitter account grew rapidly, gaining hundreds of new followers every day. Today, our Twitter account is one of the most popular Inter Milan accounts on the platform.

3. Interact With Followers

Twitter is a great way to seed content and get people talking about your brand, but it’s so important to interact with your followers and make sure that your Twitter account doesn’t look impersonal. Conversation and interaction are key to personalizing the experience for your fans, especially around big games and news events when everyone wants to talk about the team.

Whenever we tweeted during a game, we saw more people become followers. The more we interacted and retweeted our followers, the more fans started to follow us, because they could see that we were a real account – not a bot. So if you’re using Twitter to promote your brand, make sure you’re also interacting with your followers on a regular basis. It’ll make all the difference in the world.

4. Make Becoming A Follower Important To Fans

Twitter is a powerful social media platform that can help you reach new fans and followers. To make becoming a follower important to fans, cross-promote your Twitter account on your website and in your emails. Highlight Twitter-only promotions and giveaways in other channels to encourage fan engagement. Use Twitter to share valuable content, such as behind-the-scenes photos and videos, exclusive discounts, and links to interesting blog posts.

By making Twitter an integral part of your social media strategy, you’ll be able to build a devoted fan base who are excited to follow your every move.

If you need help amplifying your website content via social media, contact Braveheart Digital Marketing. We’re a social media agency in Manchester NH that can help you reach your target audience and achieve your marketing goals. Contact us today to learn more!

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Google Ads Campaign Tips For Small Businesses

Manchester NH Paid Media Agency

Google Ads Campaign Tips For Small Businesses

Google Ads can be a great way to reach new customers and grow your business. But before you create your first campaign, there are a few things you should know.

In this article, we’ll share some Google Ads campaign tips for small businesses. First, let’s briefly discuss what Google Ads is and how it works. Then, we’ll give you some tips on creating a successful Google Ads campaign. Ready to get started? Let’s dive in!

Google Ads

What Is Google Ads And How Does It Work?

Google Ads is a form of online advertising that allows businesses to place ads on Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs). When someone searches for a keyword that you’re targeting, your ad may appear in the top spot on the SERP. Google Ads is a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platform, which means you’ll pay Google every time someone clicks on your ad.

Now that you have a basic understanding of Google Ads, let’s move on to our Google Ads campaign tips.

1. Define Your Goals

Before you create your Google Ads campaign, it’s important to define your goals. What do you want to achieve with your campaign? Are you looking to increase brand awareness, generate leads, or drive sales? Once you know your goals, you can create a campaign that’s designed to achieve them.

Do you have analytics set-up so that you can track the progress towards your goals? For most campaigns, that is simply a matter of dropping Google’s tracking pixel on your thank you page.

Once you know your goals and have set up tracking, you can create a campaign that’s designed to achieve them.

2. Choose The Right Keywords

Choosing the right keywords is crucial for any Google Ads campaign. You’ll want to choose keywords that are relevant to your business and that potential customers are likely to search for. You can use Google’s Keyword Planner tool to research keywords and get ideas for new keywords to target.

Google allows four types of keywords. What they call Broad Match, Phrase Match, Exact Match and Negative Match.

Broad Match: Example is Running Shoes. Your ad will appear for any search related to your keyword. Which in this example could mean your ad shows for searches like Tennis shoes for men or running socks.

Phase Match: “Running Shoes”. Your ad will appear for searches that include the meaning of your phrase. For example, Men’s running shoes and best shoes for running.

Exact Match: [Running Shoes]. Your ad will appear for searches that have the same meaning as your keyword. For example, Running Shoes or Sneakers.

3. Create Compelling Ad Copy

Once you’ve chosen your keywords, it’s time to create your ad copy. Your ad should be clear, concise, and persuasive. Include a call-to-action (CTA) that encourages people to click on your ad.

Headline: People are most likely to notice your headline text, so consider including words that people may have entered in their Google search. Your text ad consists of three headlines where you can enter up to 30 characters each to promote your product or service. The headlines are separated by a vertical pipe (‘|’) and may show differently based on the device that someone is using when they view your ad.

Description: Use the description fields to highlight details about your product or service. It’s a good idea to include a ‘call to action’ – the action that you want your customer to take. If you’re an online shoe shop, your description might include ‘Shop now’ or ‘Buy shoes now’. If you offer a service, you might want to add something like ‘Get an instant quote online’ or ‘See pricing’

Display URL: The display URL, usually in green, shows your website address. This display URL is made up of the domain from your final URL and the text in the optional ‘Path’ fields. These fields are designed to help people who see your ad get a better sense of where they’ll be taken when they click it. Your path text doesn’t have to match the exact language of your display URL.

4. Bid Strategically

Bidding on keywords is one of the most important aspects of any Google Ads campaign. You’ll want to bid enough to get your ad in a good position on the SERP, but not so much that you’re overspending. Google’s automatic bidding option can be a helpful tool for small businesses that are new to Google Ads.

Three ways to help make your bidding strategy more effective are:

Ad Relevance: Include the keyword in your headline and description as Google also bolds the query that was searched, which attracts eyeballs and clicks.

Quality Score: Every keyword in your Google Ads account is assigned a Quality Score. A Quality Score of 8–10 is considered very good. If you are creating new campaigns and groups, know that you need to reach a certain threshold of impressions and clicks to have a Quality Score. Make sure that the keywords that you are targeting, and the ad copy you are using, are relevant to your audience.

Click-through-rate: A high click-through rate will bring up your Quality Score, which is why writing good ads is so important as it allows you to spend less money than your competitors.

5. Track Your Results

Once your Google Ads campaign is up and running, it’s important to track your results. Google Analytics is a free tool that can be used to track the performance of your Google Ads campaign. By tracking your results, you can see what’s working and what isn’t, and make necessary changes to improve your results.

By following these Google Ads campaign tips, you can set up a successful campaign and achieve your business goals. Google Ads can be a great way to reach new customers and grow your business. So what are you waiting for? Get started today!

If you’re looking for help with your Google Ads campaign, contact Braveheart Digital Marketing. We’re a PPC agency in Manchester, NH that can help you create a successful campaign and achieve your business goals. Get in touch today to learn more!

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Five Ways To Promote Your Business During Small Business Saturday

Small Business Saturday Tips

Five Ways To Promote Your Business During Small Business Saturday

Small businesses play a big role in our economy and on Small Business Saturday, shoppers are encouraged to support them. This holiday shopping event occurs annually on the Saturday after Thanksgiving and is a great opportunity for Small Businesses to promote themselves. If you’re a Small Business owner, there are several things you can do to make the most of Small Business Saturday and attract customers to your store.
Small Business Saturday Tips

1. Get the word out there about Small Business Saturday

As a Small Business owner, you know that every sale counts. That’s why you can’t afford to miss out on Small Business Saturday – a day dedicated to supporting local businesses like yours. This year, Small Business Saturday falls on November 24th, in the midst of the busiest shopping season of the year. Make sure your customers know that you’re participating in this special event!

Some ways that you can get the word out to your customers about Small Business Saturday is through your social media accounts, newsletters, email list, Google Business page or in-store signs.

2. Offer special deals and discounts exclusively for Small Business Saturday

This will entice customers to shop with you instead of at larger chain stores, and it will help you to stand out from the competition. offer discounts on your most popular items, or give away free samples of your products.

Like Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Small Business Saturday, consumers expect to see special deals and discounts on these days. That does not mean that you have to discount everything in your store. Just enough to make consumers feel happy that they are getting a deal.

One way to do that is to get new consumers to sign up for a loyalty program at purchase, providing you with an opportunity to engage with them throughout the year.

3. Create a festive atmosphere in your store

The holidays are a busy time for shoppers, and Small Businesses need to do everything they can to stand out from the competition. One way to do this is to create a festive atmosphere in your store. Decorate for the holidays and play holiday music to get customers into the spirit of shopping small.

You can also offer special holiday promotions and discounts to encourage shopper loyalty. By taking these steps, you’ll be able to tap into the holiday spirit and create a shopping experience that your customers will remember long after the season is over.

4. Make it convenient for customers to shop with you

In today’s busy world, it is more important than ever to make shopping convenient for customers.Whether it is extended hours, complimentary gift wrapping, or some other special service, businesses need to go the extra mile to make shopping easy for their customers. By offering these kinds of services, businesses can encourage customers to shop with them again and again. In today’s competitive marketplace, making shopping convenient for customers can be the key to success.

5. Say thank you

As a Small Business owner, you know that every customer counts. During the busy holiday shopping season, it’s important to show your appreciation to those who choose to support your business. Small Business Saturday is the perfect opportunity to do just that. There are plenty of ways to show your customers how much you appreciate their business. Whatever you do, make sure your customers know that you value their business. After all, they are the backbone of your Small Business.


Small Business Saturday is a great opportunity for Small Businesses to promote themselves and attract customers. There are several things Small Business owners can do to make the most of this event, including getting the word out, offering special deals and discounts, creating a festive atmosphere, making it convenient for customers to shop with them, and saying thank you. By taking advantage of these tips, Small Businesses can make the most of Small Business Saturday and ensure a successful holiday shopping season.

Fill out the form below to find out how Braveheart can help you get more customers.


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How to Amplify Your Content in Four Steps

Manchester NH Content Marketing Agency

How to Amplify Your Content in Four Steps

The latest B2B Content Marketing report from the Content Marketing Institute estimates that 73% of all marketers are utilizing some sort of content marketing strategy. With so many brands producing blogs, videos, and whitepapers every day, companies can no longer rely on just developing compelling content to get their message out, which is why so many marketers are turning to content amplification—a strategy that focuses on increasing brand visibility across multiple channels. There are a few key ways to amplify your website content via social media, and as a business owner, you should be utilizing all of them! Here’s a guide on how to do just that:
Manchester NH Content Marketing Agency
1. Use social media platforms to share your content
This is the most obvious way to amplify your website content via social media . By simply sharing your content on social media platforms, you’re increasing its reach and potential for engagement.

The B2B Survey indicates that 95% of all B2B marketers have used social networks within the last 12 months to distribute content. While the use of organic social media platforms has not changed much Year over Year, it is interesting to see that the use of YouTube increased by 5 points (65% this year vs. 60% the previous year), which is not surprising considering the rise in the use of video.

organic platforms used for b2b social media amplification
2. Use social media ads to boost your content
If you want to ensure that your content is seen by as many people as possible, you can use social media ads to give it a boost. This will help increase its reach and also ensure that your target audience is seeing it.

During the pandemic we saw the use of paid content distribution decrease from 81% to 67% as B2B companies moved money away from awareness and into mid-funnel activities like lead generation and direct advertising.

The one platform where advertisers significantly invested less money was Facebook, as the use of Facebook advertising decreased to 56% from 69% YoY.

paid platforms b2b used
3. Use social media influencers to promote your content
If you have a budget for it, another great way to amplify your website content via social media is to use social media influencers. This can be a very effective way to reach more people and get them interested in what you have to say.

The 2022 Influencer Report found that finds that 86% of B2B brands say that their influencer marketing campaigns are either moderately or very successful.

A third of businesses report influencer marketing has led to increased revenue, and 85% believe interest in working with influencers will increase in the next 12 months.

does influencer marketing work
4. Use social media groups to get your content seen
We see more and more marketers use groups and communities to distribute their content. The data shows that 26% of marketers (versus 22% last year) use their organization’s branded online community to distribute content.

If you do not have a branded online community the most popular groups for B2B marketers are LinkedIn groups and Facebook groups.

LinkedIn groups are a place for LinkedIn users to gather around a specific topic, interest, or industry. LinkedIn Groups are a great way to build relationships and grow your business and provide a space for like-minded individuals to connect with each other, share ideas, collaborate on projects, and more.

Facebook Groups on the other hand tend to be more of a private forum where members are invited into the group. These private groups provides a place where businesses can share information and promote their brand. They’re an incredibly useful tool for businesses to get feedback from their customers and grow their audiences.


There are a number of ways to amplify your website content via social media. As a business owner, it’s important to utilize all of them in order to reach the widest audience possible. By doing so, you’ll not only increase the reach of your content, but also the engagement levels. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start amplifying your content today!
If you need help amplifying your website content via social media, contact Braveheart Digital Marketing. We’re a social media agency in Manchester NH that can help you reach your target audience and achieve your marketing goals. Contact us today to learn more!

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How To Select A Programmatic Advertising Agency

programmatic advertising agency

How To Select A Programmatic Advertising Agency

One of the follow-up questions we got from our recent post on programmatic advertising was how do I pick a programmatic advertising agency? There are a lot of lot of companies out there in the programmatic space. How can I make sure that I am picking the right one?

To answer that question I turned back to programmatic expert Tom Burke from Centro. This is what he had to say.

When picking the right programmatic advertising agency for your business, here are two things to consider.

The first consideration are tactical, day-to-day media-based questions. These are a bunch of boxes you should check around inventory sources and supply-side, what exchanges are they integrated in, how many PNP deals they have, what type of data they have, etc.

11 Questions To Ask A Programmatic Advertising Agency

  1. What do you classify yourself as? A trading desk? A DSP? Something else?
  2. What DSP do you use? is it different based on inventory type (desktop, mobile, video)? Is it your own or a 3rd party?
  3. If you are a DSP, do you have a self-serve interface and if not, do you have any plans to put one in place?
  4. Do you have your own direct PMP deals or do you trade on the open exchanges?
  5. What split of retargeting vs prospecting are you proposing and can this be monitored ongoing?
  6. What are your fees and how are they calculated?
  7. What buy models do you support? CPM, CPC, CPA?
  8. What post view and post-click conversion window will you apply to my activity?
  9. Is there anything automated in your bid optimization process or is it managed by people?
  10. What third party data providers do you typically use?
  11. What level of transparency do you provide on reporting? Can I get a domain list including impressions served?

While you need to check these boxes, realistically the majority of the day-to-day work has become so commoditized at this point, that it would be a red flag if someone could not answer clearly any of these questions.

The second consideration is how does programmatic advertising fit into your business? This is the question that  I’d recommend, almost every agency – especially in the mid-tier – focus on answering.

The two questions I ask agency partners about choosing a programmatic advertising agency are:

The IAB released a study in May 2018 indicating that 18% of programmatic advertisers have completely brought programmatic media buying in house, while an additional 47% have at least partially done so.

If you are thinking about bringing your programmatic services in-house, here are four things to consider:

What’s does “in house” mean to you?

A closer look at the IAB data indicates that few advertisers are aligned on what “fully in house” means.

For instance, some brands viewed taking their entire programmatic process in house as working directly with a DSP instead of using a creative agency to help execute buying. To others, it meant having their agency of record provide them with a programmatic strategy while their in-house team performed the media buys. 

You Will Need an In-House Team

The number of people you’ll need to develop and execute your programmatic media depends on how much of the process you’re bringing in house. Some brands have brought in programmatic department heads, but continue to have an agency of record with whom their experts work to develop the programmatic strategy to execute buys. Others have essentially modelled the structure of a trading desk to manage strategy and execution. Any one of these structures can work, but all require that you staff up a team of programmatic experts.

In-House Programmatic Advertising Is About Data Management

Programmatic media buying requires tons of data—collecting, aggregating, layering, and swiftly drawing actionable insights from it. Depending on your strategy for taking programmatic in house, you may need to take some or full responsibility for managing your data, which would require an experienced (and expensive) data science team.

A Long-Term Programmatic Strategy Is a Must

As with everything in digital media, programmatic advertising buying will not remain stagnant. Technology, key players, channels, and formats will continue to change and evolve. Many companies have built their entire business model on this evolution. Therefore, your strategy needs to account for, and proactively address, the constant changes in the industry.

That means hiring exceptional talent that fully understands the landscape, and can act autonomously to address innovation. It also means providing employees with ongoing opportunities to continue their industry education.

If you’re looking for help with your Google Ads campaign, contact Braveheart Digital Marketing. We’re a PPC agency in Manchester, NH that can help you create a successful campaign and achieve your business goals. Get in touch today to learn more!

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How Do You Select A Social Media Agency

Social Media Agency

When To Select A Social Media Agency

One of the questions that we get asked a lot is when is the should I use a social media agency for social versus when should I do it in-house with the people that I have? It’s a great question and I turned to social media expert Amanda Fountain to answer that question. This is what she had to say:

Hiring A Social Media Agency

One of the reasons why a company would consider using a social media agency is to develop a social media strategy.

A social media strategy is one of the key building blocks to being successful on social media. A strategy identifies who your target audience is. What social networks they are on? What messaging they respond too? What types of messaging they do not respond too?

A second reason to engage with a social media agency is to produce more content.

A third reason is to listen and engage with your audiences on social media. Listening is an overlooked aspect of a successful social media strategy. The bigger you are as a company, the more risk you have of missing conversations about your brand if you don’t have someone monitoring and listening all the time.

“By providing great customer service through social comments, you not only retain existing customers but also win new ones.”

Handling Your Social Media In-house

When does handling your social media accounts in-house work best? If you know that your audience is not really active on social, that it is not where you want to talk to your audience then having internal resources handling your social media accounts make sense.

In this scenario, your in-house person just focused on posting content and responding to whatever comments are left.

Agency + In-House Model

The obvious best model is when you have a social media agency partner and someone -in house that’s your social media expert.

You have your in-house person who can lead what needs to happen, can share all that in-marketing insight from the other pieces that are going on, and help with the execution pieces of it.

Your agency partner then becomes your strategist, your person that’s there to tell you what’s happening, tell you what’s going on, counsel you to make changes or consider new things. To push you in new ways that if you’re in the trenches day to day, it’s not always easy to see those things.

So that’s a good model, having a social media agency partner who can be your strategist, and then the in-house person that can oversee implementation and execution of your social medium campaigns.

If you need help amplifying your website content via social media, contact Braveheart Digital Marketing. We’re a social media agency in Manchester NH that can help you reach your target audience and achieve your marketing goals. Contact us today to learn more!

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